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39 million year old whale skeleton discovered in Peru could have been heaviest animal ever
39 million year old whale skeleton discovered in Peru could have been heaviest animal ever
39 million-year-old extinct whale ‘may be heaviest animal that ever lived’ | ITV News
Extinct 39-million-year-old whale 'may be heaviest animal that ever lived'
40-million-year-old whale may have been heaviest animal on Earth
Ancient whale found in Peru may be the heaviest animal ever
Peruvian whale could beat blue whale to 'heaviest animal ever' title | AFP
Heaviest animal ever may be ancient whale found in Peruvian desert
Peruvian scientists uncover fossils of largest known animal
Ancient whale discovered in Peru is most massive animal in Earth's history, scientists say
Ancient whale discovered in Peru may be heaviest animal ever | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
Peru whale could be heaviest animal ever